Posted On: Oct 25, 2019

Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) customers can now use the AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) to configure and deploy ECS patterns into their CloudFormation stacks. This allows users to quickly create highly integrated applications while abstracting away details of how the infrastructure is stitched together. Leaving the infrastructure configuration details to AWS, customers can focus more on building their applications.  

Previously, customers needed to write detailed CloudFormation stacks and learn how different resources integrate with one another, such as a VPC and Application Load Balancer. This was time consuming to author and required detailed knowledge of how each AWS service interacts with one another. With ECS patterns in the CDK, customers can create common patterns of deployments, such as a load balanced Fargate service, with a few lines of code. These patterns can be reused by other developers to save time in creating infrastructure. 

We aim to provide the best experience for ECS customers to define their infrastructure as code. Four ECS patterns are available today within ecs-patterns in each of the CDK’s supported programming languages.  

  • Get started with CDK and ECS through examples here.
  • Reference the ecs-patterns documentation including which patterns are available here.
  • Learn more about the AWS CDK through the CDK documentation.
  • Learn more about Amazon ECS, through our product documentation.