Posted On: Oct 14, 2019

Amazon QuickSight now supports sharing data sources with users and groups. You can create data sources from any data source supported by QuickSight and share across users and groups similar to other assets such as data sets, analyses, and dashboards. With this feature, data source co-owners can now edit the underlying SQL for custom SQL data sets. Data source sharing is supported on all types except S3 analytics and file-based data sets. See here for details.

With this launch, you can now transpose rows and columns on table charts. Transposing rows and columns on table visuals allows you to swap orientation of rows and columns to represent data in different views. See here for details.

SPICE dashboards now support new wildcard filters on dimensions. You can now filter your data using any of the available wildcard filters - 'contains', 'starts with', 'end with', 'equals'. Additionally, SPICE dashboards now support new string functions - toSting, parseDecimal and two new date functions parseDate, and formatDate. See here for details on these functions.  

Finally, along with sum, average and count aggregations, you can now aggregate your visuals by statistical calculations such as Nth percentile, median, and standard deviation. See here for details.  

These new features are available in both Standard and Enterprise Edition in all QuickSight supported regions US East (N. Virginia and Ohio), US West (Oregon), EU (Ireland, Frankfurt and London) and Asia Pacific (Singapore, Sydney and Tokyo) regions.