Posted On: Oct 29, 2019

Amazon QuickSight is now available in the Asia Pacific (Seoul) region. New users can sign up for QuickSight with Asia Pacific (Seoul) as their home region, making SPICE capacity available in-region and providing proximity to AWS and on-premises data sources. Existing Amazon QuickSight users can switch to this region via the region switcher in the User Interface to provision SPICE capacity, and enable faster and cheaper connectivity to data sources in that region.

With new dashboard publish options, you can customize dashboards for your readers. These new customization options allow control over dashboard interactions such as 1) on-hover tool tip, 2) option to maximize visuals, 3) drill up/down capabilities, 4) visual sort options, and 5) on-click tool tip. See here for more information.

Finally, you can now print your QuickSight dashboards or analyses with the print button within the QuickSight UI. With this new capability, you can choose either landscape or portrait orientation and then choose to print your dashboards to PDF or to paper via your installed printers. See here for details.  

All these features are now available in Enterprise Edition and Standard Editions in all QuickSight regions - US East (N. Virginia and Ohio), US West (Oregon), EU (Frankfurt, Ireland and London), and Asia Pacific (Seoul, Singapore, Sydney and Tokyo)