Posted On: Nov 15, 2019

Amazon Redshift now supports cross-instance restore to allow you to restore Redshift snapshots to clusters that are different sizes or running different node types. This simplifies snapshot restore workflows to support your evolving use cases. You can change instance type and count based on compute resources, storage capacity and cost requirements of your specific workloads. For example, you can cross-instance restore a snapshot of your production dense-compute cluster with small instances into a cluster with powerful large instances to serve more demanding workloads, or to a lower-cost development cluster. Once a cluster is restored, you can resize it as your performance and capacity needs change over time.

You can access the cross-instance restore feature by using the snapshot restore function in the AWS Management Console or through the restore API. For more information, refer to the Amazon Redshift documentation.

Amazon Redshift cross-instance restore is supported with release version 1.0.10013 or later. Refer to the AWS Region Table for Amazon Redshift availability.