Posted On: Dec 3, 2019

Today we are announcing AWS Compute Optimizer, a new machine learning-based recommendation service that makes it easy for you to ensure that you are using optimal AWS Compute resources.  

Over-provisioning resources can lead to unnecessary infrastructure cost, and under-provisioning can lead to poor application performance. AWS Compute Optimizer delivers intuitive and easily actionable Amazon EC2 instance recommendations so that you can identify optimal Amazon EC2 instance types, including those that are part of Auto Scaling groups, for your workloads, without requiring specialized knowledge or investing substantial time and money. 

Compute Optimizer delivers EC2 instance type and size recommendations for standalone EC2 instances of M, C, R, T, and X instance families. Compute Optimizer also delivers recommendations for auto scaling groups with a fixed group size, where all member instances are of the same instance type and size, and where all member instances belong to M, C, R, T, and X instance families. 

AWS Compute Optimizer is now available in five AWS regions at no additional charge. You only pay for the AWS Compute resources needed to run your applications and Amazon CloudWatch monitoring fees. You can start using AWS Compute Optimizer through the AWS Management Console, AWS CLI, or AWS SDK. Click here to learn more.