Posted On: Feb 5, 2020

Amazon QuickSight launches a full screen narrative editor that supports easy creation and editing of auto-narratives on QuickSight. With auto-narratives, you can add natural language summaries derived from your data. You can embed these widgets throughout your dashboard to highlight key insights and callouts. The enhanced editor now makes it easy to build these narratives with the support for full screen mode. The editor also provides a preview built on-the-fly making it easier to see the end result as you craft the narrative. Additionally, the editor also supports inserting static and dynamic URLs within narratives allowing you to create URLs based on custom computed functions that are part of the URL parameters. See here to learn more about the full screen editor.

With this release, QuickSight also launched enhancements to ML-powered anomaly detection. With these enhancements, you can now provide user-defined thresholds for anomalies. For example, you can configure to only receive email alerts of anomalies that exceeds a specified delta between the actual value and what’s expected, either in absolute terms or as a percentage difference. This allows you to prioritize anomalous patterns in your data that are considered significant for your business. For more information on configuring anomaly thresholds, see here.  

All these features are now available in Enterprise Edition in all QuickSight regions - US East (N. Virginia and Ohio), US West (Oregon), EU (Frankfurt, Ireland and London), and Asia Pacific (Seoul, Singapore, Sydney and Tokyo).