Posted On: Apr 6, 2020

Amazon Personalize enables you to personalize your website, app, ads, emails, and more, using the same machine learning technology as used by, without requiring any prior machine learning experience. Using Amazon Personalize, you can generate personalized recommendations for your users through a simple API interface. We are pleased to announce that Amazon Personalize now provides recommendations scores with each personalized recommendation. These scores can help you understand the relative difference in the relevancy of recommendations, and help you apply additional business logic on the recommendations, such as filtering out recommendations below a threshold or balancing relevancy with other business objectives such as displaying sponsored content. You can retrieve the scores along with the recommendations through the GetRecommendations or the GetPersonalizedRanking APIs, the Personalize console, or through a Batch Inference job. To learn more about this feature, visit our blog.

Recommendation scores are now available in US East (N. Virginia, Ohio), US West (Oregon), Canada (Central), Europe (Ireland),and Asia Pacific (Sydney, Tokyo, Mumbai, Singapore, Seoul).