Posted On: May 21, 2020

Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) now allows you to bring your own IPv6 addresses using Bring Your Own IP (BYOIP). You can choose to advertise your IPv6 addresses on to the Internet for public connectivity or use it only for private connectivity to your on-premises networks by advertising them over Direct Connect. The IPv6 addresses brought over via BYOIP work exactly the same as Amazon-provided IPv6 addresses. For example, you can associate these IPv6 addresses to subnets, Elastic Network Interfaces (ENI) and EC2 instances within your VPC.

Many organizations are required to use their own IPv6 addresses due to compliance and regulatory reasons. This release enables such customers to create their IPv6 applications in AWS with minimal disruptions. Additionally, if your applications are using trusted IPv6 addresses that your partners and customers have whitelisted in their firewalls, you can now move these applications from on-premises to AWS without requiring your partners and customers to change their whitelists.

There is no additional charge to use the BYOIPv6 feature. This feature is now publicly available in US East (N. Virginia), US East (Ohio), US West (Oregon), Asia Pacific (Mumbai), Asia Pacific (Sydney), Asia Pacific (Tokyo), Asia Pacific (Singapore) and South America (Sao Paulo), EU (Dublin), EU (London), EU (Frankfurt), and, Canada (Central) AWS Regions. For more information on this feature, see the documentation on BYOIP.