Posted On: Jul 22, 2020

You can now search, sort, and filter across all tables and view more detail on your AWS accounts and organizational units (OUs) within the AWS Control Tower console.

With these enhancements, you can customize the display of tables on the AWS Control Tower console pages that display OUs, accounts, and guardrails, to limit the number of results displayed, wrap lines, or hide selected columns. You also have more visibility into OUs and accounts, even those not managed by AWS Control Tower. For example, accounts not yet enrolled in AWS Control Tower are now listed on the ‘Organizational units’  detail page, as well as the number of Service Control Policies (SCPs) applied to that OU that are not managed by AWS Control Tower.

The ‘Accounts’ page now lists all accounts in your organization, regardless of OU level or enrollment status in AWS Control Tower.

You can access these new enhancements in the AWS Control Tower console. If you are new to the service, it’s easy to get started. From the AWS Control Tower console, select ‘Set up landing zone’ in the top right, or to learn more, visit the AWS Control Tower product webpage.