Posted On: Dec 1, 2020

Amazon Lookout for Vision is a new machine learning service that enables you to find visual defects in industrial products, accurately and at scale. With Lookout for Vision you can automate real-time visual inspection with computer vision for processes like quality control and defect assessment - with no machine learning expertise required. It uses computer vision to identify missing components in products, damage to vehicles or structures, irregularities in production lines, and even miniscule defects in silicon wafers — or any other physical item where quality is important.  

With Lookout for Vision you can get started in minutes by providing as few as 30 images for the process you want to visually inspect, such as machine parts or manufactured products. Once you have uploaded your images, the service analyses images from your cameras that monitor the process line, in real-time, to quickly and accurately identify anomalies like dents, cracks and scratches. It spots differences between the baseline images provided and the image feed from the process line, and reports the presence of product defects. Reports are available in an easy to use dashboard in the AWS management console, so that you can take action quickly and reduce further defects – saving you time and money.

You can use Amazon Lookout for Vision in preview in the following AWS Regions: US East (N. Virginia), US East (Ohio), US West (Oregon), EU (Ireland), EU (Frankfurt), Asia Pacific (Seoul) and Asia Pacific (Tokyo). To learn more and get started with the preview, visit the Amazon Lookout for Vision product page.