Posted On: Dec 15, 2020

Today, AWS IoT is announcing Fleet Hub for AWS IoT Device Management (preview). The new feature enables customers to easily create a fully managed web application to view and interact with their device fleets to monitor fleet and device health, respond to alarms, take remote actions, and reduce time for troubleshooting. 

Web applications created through Fleet Hub can be deployed in minutes, without any code, and integrate with existing enterprise protocols to meet security requirements. Once deployed, Fleet Hub visualizes device state and health data from AWS-connected fleets as well as message logs—giving end users the ability to search device fleets and view near-real time device state information, such as connection status, firmware version, country code, or battery level. If unusual behavior is identified, users can take corrective action through one of the many integrated AWS IoT Device Management features and AWS IoT service capabilities, such as pushing an OTA (“over the air”) update via Jobs or opening a Secure Tunnel to reconfigure a device. Users can access Fleet Hub from any browser on a desktop, tablet or smartphone by signing in with their corporate credentials through AWS Single Sign-On. 

This new feature is now available in US East (Northern Virginia) at preview (note, you will be able to access devices in any AWS region by enabling Fleet Indexing for that region). To see how you can easily deploy a Fleet Hub application to monitor and interact with your device fleets, read the Fleet Hub documentation.

AWS IoT Device Management is a managed cloud services that makes it easy to securely register, organize, monitor, and remotely manage IoT devices at scale. To learn more about managing connected devices at scale and sign up for the Fleet Hub preview, please visit the AWS IoT Device Management website