Posted On: Jul 20, 2021

Amazon Redshift Data Sharing, a secure and easy way to share live data across Redshift clusters, is now available in AWS GovCloud(US) regions. Ability to share data across Redshift clusters in the same AWS account is generally available and sharing across Redshift clusters that are in separate AWS accounts in the same region is available as preview. Data Sharing enables instant, granular, and high-performance data access across Amazon Redshift clusters without the need to copy or move data. Data Sharing provides live access to the data so that your users always see most up-to-date and consistent information as it is updated in the data warehouse. Data Sharing can be used on your Amazon Redshift RA3 clusters at no additional cost.

With Data Sharing, you can isolate diverse workloads across different Amazon Redshift clusters while still sharing live, transactionally consistent data by leveraging Redshift Managed Storage across these clusters without the complexity and delays associated with data copies and data movement. Queries accessing shared data are run using the compute resources of the consumer cluster and do not impact the performance of the producer cluster.Data sharing allows you to rapidly onboard new analytics workloads and provision them with flexible compute resources to meet individual workload-specific performance SLAs. Data Sharing enables seamless collaboration across business groups for broader analytics and to analyze cross-product impact as well share data securely with your business ecosystem external to your organization. You can use SQL or the Redshift console to securely share data at several levels including schemas, tables, views, and user defined functions, providing fine-grained controls that can be tailored for different consumers that all need access to data. Users and groups that have access to shared data on consumer clusters can discover the data and perform cross-database queries to join data in databases on the cluster with shared data from remote clusters using familiar tools. Amazon Redshift offers detailed auditing capabilities to monitor the data sharing permissions and the usage across all the consumers and revoke access instantly when necessary.

Learn more about Data Sharing capability in feature page and refer to documentation. Refer to enabling workload isolation and supporting multi-tenancy and data as a service to learn more about use cases.