Posted On: Sep 9, 2021

Starting today, the ability to customize reverse DNS for Elastic IP addresses for Virtual Private Clouds (VPC) is available in 16 additional regions. These AWS Regions are US East (N. Virginia), US West (N. California, Oregon), Asia Pacific (Hong Kong, Osaka, Seoul, Singapore, Sydney, Tokyo), Europe (Frankfurt, Ireland, London, Paris, Stockholm), Middle East (Bahrain), and South America (São Paulo). With today’s launch, this feature is available in all commercial regions.

This feature makes it easier to setup reverse Domain Name System (DNS) lookup for your Elastic IP addresses and improves your email deliverability. A reverse DNS lookup for an IP address returns its domain name and is commonly used by email services to filter out spams. This release helps to improve your email deliverability in all commercial regions from EC2 by enabling you to set reverse DNS lookup with just a few clicks and meet a key spam filter requirement.

Often, email services associate generic or incorrect domain name of an email’s IP address with spammers and drop such emails. Using this feature, you can assign your domain name to an Elastic IP address, enabling email services to validate your email’s domain name and, as a result, help improve your email deliverability.

To get started, use the AWS CLI, SDK or Console to set reverse DNS for an EIP. There is no additional charge to set reverse DNS for an EIP. For more information about this feature, visit the Elastic IP documentation.