Posted On: Dec 3, 2021

Amazon Redshift simplifies organizing, documenting, and sharing of multiple SQL queries with support for SQL Notebooks (preview) in Amazon Redshift Query Editor V2. The new Notebook interface enables users such as data analysts and data scientists to author queries more easily, organizing multiple SQL queries and annotations on a single document. They can also collaborate with their team members by sharing Notebooks.

Data users engaging in advanced analytics work on multiple queries at a time to perform various tasks for their data analysis. Query Editor V2 helps you organize related queries by saving them together in a folder, or combining them into a single saved query with multiple statements. The Notebooks support provides an alternative way to embed all queries required for a complete data analysis in a single document using SQL cells. You can share your Notebooks with team members, similar to how you share your saved queries in Query Editor V2. Documenting your work precisely enables further collaboration with other users. Using the Markdown cells, you can include detailed context in your work, helping ease the learning curve for others to work on even the most complicated data analysis tasks. 

The Notebooks in Query Editor V2 is available for preview in the following regions: US East (N. Virginia), US East (Ohio), US West (Oregon), Europe (Frankfurt), Europe (Ireland), Asia Pacific (Tokyo). See the documentation to get started. To learn more, refer to the Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide.