Posted On: Nov 29, 2022

Amazon Connect forecasting, capacity planning, and scheduling, now generally available, provides new machine learning (ML)–powered capabilities for contact centers. Forecasting, capacity planning, and scheduling help your contact center managers forecast contact demand, determine optimal staffing levels, and ensure the right agents are available at the right time to meet your operational and business goals.

With forecasting, capacity planning, and scheduling, agents have the flexibility to choose when they want to work overtime or take time off, within predetermined, manager-defined limits, without the need for manual approvals. When agents accept overtime or time-off slots, Amazon Connect uses ML to make real-time schedule updates, such as moving or creating additional rest breaks. Automation frees managers to focus on reviewing performance metrics and coaching agents. Additionally, contact center managers can track agents’ adherence to planned schedules in real time. With one check of a box, you can try out these capabilities, without any extra cost, effort, or time.

Amazon Connect forecasting, capacity planning, and scheduling is generally available in four AWS Regions: US East (N. Virginia), US West (Oregon), Asia Pacific (Sydney), and Europe (London).

To learn more, visit our webpage, documentation, and blog post.