Posted On: Dec 13, 2022

Amazon EBS direct APIs now support the IPv6 protocol, so that applications to connect through EBS direct APIs over IPv6. EBS direct APIs enable customers to simplify their backup and recovery workflows by directly creating and reading EBS snapshots via APIs. With this change, customers can meet their IPv6 compliance needs, integrate with existing IPv6-based on-premises applications, and remove the need for expensive networking equipment to handle the address translation between IPv4 and IPv6.

To use this new capability, you can configure your applications to use the new Amazon EBS direct API dual-stack endpoints which support both IPv4 and IPv6. These endpoints have the format or For example, the dual-stack endpoint in the US-East-1 (N. Virginia) Region is When you make a request to a dual-stack Amazon EBS direct APIs endpoint, the endpoint resolves to an IPv6 or an IPv4 address, depending on the protocol used by your network and client.

You can use Amazon EBS direct APIs with the IPv6 protocol in all AWS regions where EBS direct APIs are available.