Amazon EC2 F2 instances are now available in Asia Pacific (Sydney)

Posted on: Feb 27, 2025

Starting today, the FPGA-powered Amazon EC2 F2 instances are now available in the Asia Pacific (Sydney) region. F2 instances are the second generation of FPGA powered instances and are the first to feature an FPGA with 16 GB of high bandwidth memory (HBM). Compared to F1 instances, the F2 instances have up to 3x vCPUs (192 vCPUS), 2x system memory (2 TB), 2x SSD space (7.6 TiB), and 4x networking bandwidth (100 Gbps). Amazon EC2 F2 instances are ideal for FPGA-accelerated solutions in genomics, multimedia processing, big data, network acceleration, and more.

With this additional region, F2 instances are now available in US East (N. Virginia), US West (Oregon), Europe (London), and Asia Pacific (Sydney). These instances can be purchased as either Savings Plans or On-Demand instances. To learn more, visit the Amazon EC2 F2 Instances page and F2 FPGA development kit GitHub page.