
Tag: Amazon EBS CSI

Using Amazon EBS snapshots for persistent storage with your Amazon EKS cluster by leveraging add-ons

Using Amazon EBS snapshots for persistent storage with your Amazon EKS cluster by leveraging add-ons

Originally, containers were a great fit for stateless applications. However, for many use cases there is a need for persistent storage, without which stateful workloads aren’t possible. Kubernetes first introduced support for stateful workloads with in-tree volume plugins, meaning that the plugin code was part of the core Kubernetes code and shipped with the Kubernetes […]

Amazon EBS CSI driver is now generally available in Amazon EKS add-ons

Introduction To provide workloads with optional persistent storage, Kubernetes implements volume lifecycle operations and supports various types of storage for use with these operations. Currently, storage provider–specific code is kept in the Kubernetes project source code, which is referred to as in-tree. This code is complex to maintain and release, and is tied to the […]