
Tag: blueprint

Accelerate Amazon ECS-based workloads with ECS Blueprints

Introduction We are introducing ECS Blueprints for AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) that makes it easier and faster to build container workloads for the Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS). ECS Blueprints is a collection of Infrastructure as Code (IaC) open-source modules that help you configure and deploy container workloads on top of Amazon […]

Blue/Green or Canary Amazon EKS clusters migration for stateless ArgoCD workloads

Edit: 02 JUN 2023: The sample has been updated according to the EKS Blueprint V5 Migration Edit 06 October 2023: Upgrade the blog and sample to use gitops-bridge-argocd-bootstrap integration Introduction Organizations use modern application development approaches, such as microservices, to increase innovation, performance, security, and reliability. However, when working with legacy deployment systems, it can […]