AWS Developer Tools Blog

Tag: DynamoDB

DynamoDB Series – Conversion Schemas

This week, we are running a series of five daily blog posts that will explain new DynamoDB changes and how they relate to the AWS SDK for .NET. This is the third blog post, and today we will be discussing conversion schemas. Conversion Schemas Document doc = new Document(); doc[“Id”] = 1; doc[“Product”] = “DataWriter”; […]

DynamoDB Series – Document Model

This week we are running a series of five daily blog posts that will explain new DynamoDB changes and how they relate to the .NET SDK. This is blog post number 2, and today we will be looking at the Document Model API. Document Model Yesterday, we learned about Amazon DynamoDB’s new data types such […]

DynamoDB Series Kickoff

Last week, Amazon DynamoDB added support for JSON document data structures. With this update, DynamoDB now supports nested data in the form of lists (L type) and maps (M type). Also part of this update was native support for booleans (BOOL type) and nulls (NULL type). This week, we will be running a series of […]

Introducing S3Link to DynamoDBContext

S3Link has been in the AWS SDK for Java for a while now, and we have decided to introduce it to the AWS SDK for .NET as well. This feature allows you to access your Amazon S3 resources easily through a link in your Amazon DynamoDB data. S3Link can be used with minimal configuration with […]

Using Improved Conditional Writes in DynamoDB

Last month the Amazon DynamoDB team announced a new pair of features: Improved Query Filtering and Conditional Updates.  In this post, we’ll show how to use the new and improved conditional writes feature of DynamoDB to speed up your app. Let’s say you’re building a racing game, where two players advance in position until they […]

Using New Regions and Endpoints

Last week, a customer asked us how they could configure the AWS SDK for PHP to use Amazon SES with the EU (Ireland) Region. SES had just released support for the EU Region, but there was no tagged version of the SDK that supported it yet. Our typical process is to push new support for […]

Configuring DynamoDB Tables for Development and Production

The Object Persistence Model API in the SDK uses annotated classes to tell the SDK which table to store objects in. For example, the DyanmoDBTable attribute on the Users class below tells the SDK to store instances of the Users class into the “Users” table. [DynamoDBTable(“Users”)] public class Users { [DynamoDBHashKey] public string Id { […]

DynamoDB Session Store for Rack Applications

Today we are announcing a new RubyGem that enables your Ruby on Rails or Rack-based applications to store session data inside of Amazon DynamoDB. The gem acts as a drop-in replacement for session stores inside of Rails and can also run as a Rack middleware for non-Rails apps. You can read more about how to […]

Iterating through Amazon DynamoDB Results

The AWS SDK for PHP has a feature called “iterators” that allows you to retrieve an entire result set without manually handling pagination tokens or markers. The iterators in the SDK implement PHP’s Iterator interface, which allows you to easily enumerate or iterate through resources from a result set with foreach. The Amazon DynamoDB client […]