AWS 非营利组织能力合作伙伴

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由于预算紧张,非营利组织需要设法兼顾日常 IT 运营与其任务关键型工作负载。通过 AWS Cloud,非营利组织可以扩展并自动化必要的后端任务,以便集中精力处理最重要的事务。

有了 AWS 非营利组织能力合作伙伴的帮助,客户能够快速安全地利用技术支持筹款、计划管理等事务。

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    • General Public Services

      Wildlife-Centered AI: How AWS and Tehanu Use Generative AI to Give Wildlife a Voice in Global Conservation


      The Tehanu project in Rwanda’s Volcanoes National Park has demonstrated groundbreaking use of generative AI to infer and act on the interests of mountain gorillas. Leveraging technology solutions from Amazon Web Services (AWS), AWS Partner Anthropic, and with the support of AWS Partner Adastra, Tehanu created an automated pipeline to process behavioral data of gorillas, enabling the first-ever digital financial transactions by a non-human species. The AI solution synthesized vast academic and observational data, aligning conservation actions with species-specific preferences while supporting biodiversity efforts. This scalable, innovative approach sets a precedent for using AI to foster coexistence across species worldwide.

    • Social Services

      Softcat Scales Lyra in Africa’s Charity Donations Using AWS

      United Kingdom

      UK-based charity Lyra in Africa helps children in rural Tanzania attend and complete secondary school. Established in 2012, it has delivered 15 hostels for girls in rural government schools and provides an offline digital learning program to partner high schools, each with a computer lab with learning content preloaded on the computers. Lyra also works with two teacher training colleges to boost IT literacy among teachers. Until recently, the organization relied on service providers in the UK to collect donations from individual sponsors, but that was proving an expensive fundraising strategy. Lyra turned to AWS Partner Softcat to build a low-cost online donation platform on Amazon Web Services (AWS). The system has automated payment processing and recordkeeping that helps the charity automatically benefit from the UK government’s Gift Aid tax relief program.

    • Social Services

      Darwinbox & Minfy Technologies


      Darwinbox wanted to reduce the time to infer resumes against job descriptions using PyTorch models. AWS Premier Partner Minfy helped them leverage Amazon SageMaker and AWS Inferentia to compile models with Neuron SDK and deploy them, achieving 87% faster inference without retraining. Key steps were compiling models with the Neuron SDK, extending SageMaker containers, using Inference Recommender to optimize configurations, and sending requests in mini-batches.

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  • 博客
  • Showing results: 1-5
    Total results: 26
    • 日期
    • Matheus Guimaraes, 2024-08-06
       对全球一些地区的人们来说,盛夏已至,许多人正前往他们最爱的度假胜地享受闲暇时光。我自己也刚刚度假归来,这趟 [...]
    • Channy Yun, 2023-03-02
      亚马逊云科技 Amazon Lightsail for Research 正式上市,这款产品使研究人员和学生只需在云端点击几下即可轻松创建和管理高性能 CPU 或 GPU 研究计算机。
    • Leo Zhadanovsky、Erissa Renfer、Hannah Oldknow、Kathy Huffstetler, Invalid date
      AWS 合作伙伴 McGraw Hill 是一家教育技术(EdTech)和出版公司,针对学前教育到研究生教育提供教育内容、软件和服务。为满足不断变化的学习者需求,McGraw Hill 最近推出了 SHARPEN 应用程序,这是一款移动学习应用程序,可模仿年轻学习者熟悉的社交媒体信息流广告类型,促进教育的成功。这种动态学习体验使用了 AWS 技术,是与 AWS 增长咨询团队合作开发的。
    • Tommy Alderman, Invalid date
      自然灾害极具破坏力,通常会导致生命损失、大规模财产损失以及为紧急服务提供动力的关键基础设施遭到破坏。这可以促使公共部门组织考虑建造更具弹性的基础设施。路易斯安那州 Livingston Parish 的 911 系统正是这种情况。Livingston Parish 为 21 个公共安全机构(包括执法、消防和紧急医疗服务)服务,平均每天有超过 325 个服务电话。2016 年,一场大洪水摧毁了他们的 911 系统,此后,他们与 AWS 合作伙伴 TailorBuilt Solutions, LLC. 合作,使用 AWS 增强抗灾能力、减少服务中断并缩短响应时间。
    • AWS Team, 2022-08-11
      Wellforce 正在迁移其整个数字医疗保健生态系统,以在 Amazon Web Services (AWS) 上创建一个数字平台。该平台由 Epic 的基础设施以及 300 多个支持医疗保健和业务应用程序的复杂集成组成,一旦上线,Wellforce 有望成为在云上运行其整个 Epic 基础设施的最大组织。
  • 视频
  • AWS 合作伙伴资料:Classy(2:29)
    AWS 合作伙伴资料:Softchoice(2:50)
    AWS 合作伙伴资料:Community Brands(2:01)
    AWS 合作伙伴资料:ConvergeOne(2:32)
    AWS 合作伙伴资料:stackArmor(2:51)


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