与 AWS 合作取得成功 / 医疗保健 / 瑞士

2024 年 11 月

Presidio 开发新的数据驱动型健康分析平台,延长健康寿命


Biolytica 是一家总部位于瑞士的健康跨度公司,它需要一个合适的合作伙伴来实现其数据驱动长寿平台的远见卓识。对于这家创新型初创企业来说,与值得信赖的供应商建立 AWS 文化是帮助临床医生的客户活得更长、更健康的基础。 Biolytica 与 AWS 合作伙伴 Presidio 合作创建了 NEXUS,这是一个基于 AWS 构建的平台,可将许多从未在单一平台上整合过的数据源整合在一起。


AWS 确实是不二之选,因为生物技术公司寻找的不仅是一个

David Angradi
数字销售副总裁 Presidio


  • Biolytica 有一个富有远见的理念,即把健康数据分析与个性化健康优化见解结合到一个平台上,供临床医生使用。 
  • 这就需要一个功能强大的平台,既能整合来自多种来源的数据,又不需要破费大量资金。
  • 鉴于 Biolytica 所处理的个人健康信息的敏感性,隐私和合规性的风险非常高。


  • Presidio 帮助 Biolytica 在 AWS 上创建了这个名为 NEXUS 的平台,并将其推向市场。
  • Presidio 构建了一个具有成本效益且可扩展的云运营模式,帮助这家初创公司在推出新产品时保持灵活性。
  • 除了设计、开发和部署平台外,Presidio 还全面管理 NEXUS 基础设施、服务、集成以及 GDPR 和 HIPAA 合规性所需的控制。


  • Biolytica 的临床医生客户现在可以在一个用户友好型平台上利用各种健康数据来源,突出显示患者的进展领域和潜在风险。
  • 临床医生可以在 30 分钟内编写出全面的定制长寿报告,而这一过程以前需要一整天。
  • Biolytica NEXUS 使全球的临床医生能够为每位客户制定健康优化计划,以提高他们的健康水平。

使用的 AWS 服务

Amazon Bedrock

Amazon Bedrock 是一项完全托管式服务,提供单个 API 来访问并使用来自领先人工智能公司的高性能基础模型(FM)。

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Amazon Connect

Amazon Connect 使联络中心代理能够从第一天起就提供卓越的客户体验。 

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Amazon Lex

Amazon Lex 是一种完全托管式人工智能(AI)服务,具有高级自然语言模型,可用于在应用程序中设计、构建、测试和部署对话界面。
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Amazon Transcribe

Amazon Transcribe 是一项完全托管式自动语音识别(ASR)服务,可以帮助开发人员轻松地将语音转文本功能添加到他们的应用程序中。

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Showing results: 9-12
Total results: 55


  • Healthcare

    Qalius Helps Queensway Carleton Hospital Migrate SHIIP to AWS, Expanding Access to Health Organizations

    Queensway Carleton Hospital (QCH) enhanced its patient-care delivery by migrating the Shared Health Integrated Information Portal (SHIIP) to Amazon Web Services (AWS). Serving nearly 500,000 patients annually in Ottawa, Ontario, QCH needed to scale SHIIP to meet the growing demand for accessible and secure patient data. Working alongside AWS Partner Qalius Consulting Inc. (Qalius), the hospital migrated SHIIP to the cloud, adopting AWS' services to enhance scalability and governance. This migration will empower QCH to support more healthcare providers by achieving a level of agility and expansion that was unattainable on premises.

  • Healthcare

    Omnys and AWS Bring Mobile Ecommerce to Italian Pharmacy Network Club Salute

    Club Salute is a network of more than 70 Italian pharmacies that together have nearly 300,000 customers. It provides central marketing support, supply chain support, technical services, and its own range of branded products, including supplements and cosmetics.

    It turned to Amazon Web Services (AWS) and AWS Partner Omnys to develop and deploy an ecommerce system with easy-to-use dashboards for use by individual pharmacists and a mobile application for Club Salute customers. Systems had to be fast and easy to use but also keep sensitive personal data safe and secure and meet Italian pharmaceutical regulations.

  • Healthcare

    Sapphire Health Helps LCMC Health Improve Clinical Resiliency with EHR Cloud Read-Only on AWS

    Sapphire Health, an AWS Partner, worked with LCMC Health to build a cloud read-only environment on Amazon Web Services (AWS). LCMC Health's production Epic environment is replicated in the organization’s secure healthcare landing zone on AWS. If ransomware takes production systems such as the Epic electronic health record system offline, the cloud read-only environment is ready to be activated in minutes to provide clinicians read-only access to critical clinical information such as patient encounters, medications, allergies, and more. Sapphire Health used the Landing Zone Accelerator (LZA) for Healthcare on AWS to implement the solution in weeks instead of months. LCMC Health has used the solution to reduce its cybersecurity premiums while lowering solution operating costs.

  • Healthcare

    National Association of Boards of Pharmacy Migrates to AWS with IBM's Support

    Praseed Thapparambil, Chief Digital Officer, National Association of Boards of Pharmacy (NABP) shares how AWS Partner IBM helped deliver structure in navigating a new federal law in the pharmaceutical space and migrate all data to Amazon Web Services (AWS).

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