AWS 旅游酒店行业能力合作伙伴

与拥有深厚技术知识和久经考验的客户成功案例的 AWS 专业化合作伙伴一起推动创新并释放更大的商业价值

AWS 旅游酒店行业能力合作伙伴提供技术产品和服务,可以加快行业现代化和创新进程,涵盖包括后台运营效率和面向客户的客户体验在内的各个方面。 其中包括客户和运营数据的全方位视图、数字化客户互动、智能资产互联体验,以及现代化的旅游酒店行业核心应用程序。

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AWS 旅游酒店行业合作伙伴使客户能够在整个企业范围内(包括营销和销售、客户体验、核心运营、财务、人力资源和 IT 部门)加速数字化转型。 这些 AWS 合作伙伴在以下一个或多个专业领域均具备熟练的技术和成功的客户体验,可帮助旅游酒店组织构建弹性业务并加速创新。





AWS 咨询合作伙伴为旅游酒店业客户提供战略和部署服务,以帮助他们加速数字化转型。

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    • Travel & Hospitality

      Firemind Helps Center Parcs Unlock 360-Degree Customer Insights, Enabling 90% Customer Satisfaction Rate

      United Kingdom

      Center Parcs, a leading holiday operator in the UK and Ireland, sought to enhance its data management and analytics capabilities to better serve more than two million annual guests. Struggling with fragmented data and delayed processing, the company engaged with AWS Partner Firemind. Firemind implemented a robust data lake architecture on Amazon Web Services (AWS) that enabled real-time data integration and advanced analytics. This enhanced Center Parcs’ operational efficiency and laid the foundation for future innovations, including personalized guest experiences driven by machine learning.

    • Travel

      TUI Moves Faster and Builds Better ML Models Using MLOps from Data Reply on AWS


      TUI Group is a German global tourism platform company that covers the entire tourism value chain. It wanted to offer personalized experiences to travelers based on their previous choices or even when visiting the company website for the first time. It used machine learning (ML) models to help create individualized experiences but found that it took too much time to develop those models. By working with AWS Partner Data Reply, it was able to accelerate the speed of creating and deploying ML models and provide greater personalization. This delivered benefits of €7 million in the first year.

    • Travel & Hospitality

      Choice Hotels Gains Cloud Visibility with Aviatrix and AWS

      United States

      Choice Hotels regained visibility and control in their shared cloud infrastructure with AWS Partner Aviatrix and Amazon Web Services (AWS). This transformation enhanced efficiency, security, and customer experience, supporting streamlined network operations and expansion across their global brands.

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    • Brian Dawson、Greg Land, Invalid date
      在当今快节奏的世界中,对于所有想要在竞争中保持领先地位的行业来说,采用移动设备至关重要。酒店业也不例外。房客希望获得移动选项,而酒店采用移动设备的优势也是不采用的 10 倍。采用移动设备意味着前台和礼宾部的电话呼叫减少,员工能够获得更多的时间来完成 [...]
    • Cher Simon、Jose Kuzhivelil、Rohan Braganza, Invalid date
      餐饮业正在经历前所未有的变革。人们对清洁、健康和安全的期望越来越高,这加速了非接触式技术、路边提货选项和移动支付的采用。了解 Capgemini 的餐厅数字云平台(DCP)如何通过在提供引人入胜的客户交互和简化的操作的同时降低成本和提高效率来重塑数字化转型。
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