
2023 年
Mastercard のロゴ

Mastercard が AWS の AI および ML サービスを利用して不正行為を検出および防止

この動画では、Mastercard が Amazon Web Services (AWS) の AI と機械学習 (ML) サービスを利用して、不正検出機能をグローバルに改善する方法について、Mastercard の Cyber & Intelligence、Chief Technology Officer (CTO) である Manu Thapar 氏が説明します。このソリューションにより、Mastercard での不正取引の検出が 3 倍になり、誤検出が 10 分の 1 に削減されました。これにより、加盟店の数十億 USD のコスト削減を実現し、優れたエクスペリエンスを世界中の顧客に提供できるようになりました。



Manu Thapar 氏
Mastercard、Cyber & Intelligence、CTO


Showing results: 29-32
Total results: 116


  • Sub-Saharan Africa

    TymeBank, South Africa’s first digital bank, migrates its core systems to AWS

    Dieter Botha, CIO of Tyme Bank, South Africa’s first digital bank, tells the audience at the 2019 AWS Summit Cape Town why the company migrated its core systems to AWS.
  • North America

    Nasdaq Reduces Data Ingest Time by More Than 60% on AWS

    While most people know Nasdaq for its equities exchange, Nasdaq is also a technology and services provider to more than 120 different exchanges, regulators, and post-trade entities in more than 50 countries worldwide. Every evening, Nasdaq receives up to 60 billion records that must be loaded for billing, reporting, and other processes before the markets open the next morning. As that record volume increased over time, Nasdaq opted to migrate to a data lake solution in order to scale the ingest process and query data in a more parallel manner. Nasdaq moved its entire ingest process to Amazon Web Services (AWS), writing the data to Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3).
  • United Kingdom

    Qube Research & Technologies Delivers Investment Strategies Faster Using AWS

    Qube Research & Technologies (QRT) enables better investment recommendations, delivers investment strategies to market in weeks instead of months, and onboards new researchers faster using AWS. The company, based in the United Kingdom, offers quantitative and systematic investment management services.
  • China

    Neat Keeps Customer Accounts Protected with AWS

    Neat is complying with Hong Kong financial regulations by keeping customer accounts safe with AWS. The fintech company offers an online alternative to a traditional bank account. The company's core fintech application is located inside an Amazon VPC and it uses Amazon GuardDuty for threat detection services.
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あらゆる業界のさまざまな規模の組織が AWS を活用してビジネスを変革し、日々ミッションを遂行しています。当社のエキスパートにお問い合わせいただき、今すぐ AWS ジャーニーを開始しましょう。