reference deployment

HVR Software on AWS

Replicate data between transactional databases and file systems

This Quick Start deploys HVR Software on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud. It's for organizations that want to use HVR to replicate data between transactional databases and file systems. The architecture supports real-time change data capture (CDC) for databases, analytics, and migrations.

Use cases for this Quick Start include the following:

  • Migrate data between homogeneous environments. For example, you might move data from an on-premises Oracle database to Oracle in the AWS Cloud.
  • Migrate data between heterogeneous environments. For example, you might move data from an on-premises Oracle database to Amazon Redshift in the AWS Cloud. In this case, you might migrate gradually and have a fallback option.
  • Replicate data. For example, you might move data from various source environments to Amazon Redshift or Snowflake in near-real time.
  • Set up analytics and reporting for data lakes, data warehouses, or consolidated databases using multiple AWS services to continuously integrate your data.


This Quick Start was developed by HVR Software in collaboration with AWS. HVR is an AWS Partner.

  •  What you'll build
  • Use this Quick Start to set up the following HVR environment on AWS:

    • A highly available architecture that spans two Availability Zones.
    • A virtual private cloud (VPC) configured with public and private subnets, according to AWS best practices, to provide you with your own virtual network on AWS.
    • Two Network Load Balancers to direct traffic, one for the public subnets and one for the private subnets. Each Network Load Balancer is located within a security group.
    • In the public subnets:
      • A Linux bastion host in an Auto Scaling group that provides inbound Secure Shell (SSH) access to Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances in the public and private subnets.
      • A security group for limiting inbound and outbound traffic.
    • In the private subnets:
      • A Linux-based HVR hub instance in an Auto Scaling group. This instance controls all replication flows.
      • Two Linux-based HVR agent instances in an Auto Scaling group, one instance in each private subnet. These instances are close to replication endpoints.
      • A security group for limiting inbound traffic.
    • An Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS) file system attached to the HVR hub instance for high availability. If the HVR hub instance fails, a new one is created and attached to the EFS file system.
    • (Optional) An Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL–compatible repository database for the HVR hub. This option includes multiple reader instances in one private subnet and one writer in the other private subnet. Alternatively, you can use an existing database. The database does not have to be PostgreSQL. Other supported databases include MySQL, MariaDB, Microsoft SQL Server, and Oracle.
    • AWS Secrets Manager for storing user passwords. It manages the HVR public and private certificates for secure communication.
    • (Optional) Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS), which the Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL–compatible environment uses for alarms and event notifications.
  •  How to deploy
  • To build your HVR Software environment on AWS, follow the instructions in the deployment guide. The deployment process takes about 30 minutes and includes these steps:

    1. Sign in to your AWS account. If you don't have an account, sign up at
    2. Subscribe to the HVR Bring Your Own License Amazon Machine Image (AMI).
    3. Launch the Quick Start. Before you create the stack, choose the AWS Region from the top toolbar.
    4. Test the deployment.

    Amazon may share user-deployment information with the AWS Partner that collaborated with AWS on this solution.  

  •  Cost and licenses
  • You are responsible for the cost of the AWS services and any third-party licenses used while running this Quick Start reference deployment. There is no additional cost for using this Quick Start.

    This Quick Start requires a subscription to the HVR Bring Your Own License AMI. You must have a valid license key to deploy the stack. If you don't have a license, email HVR or contact HVR directly. Additional pricing, terms, and conditions may apply.

    You must also create a Secrets Manager secret before you deploy this stack. This secret is the plain-text secret HVR license key. During deployment, you are asked to provide the ARN for this secret, which is located in Secrets Manager. If you deploy the Quick Start without supplying a license file, the process creates and uses an empty Secrets Manager secret. After you obtain your license, update this secret with the license details.

    The AWS CloudFormation templates for this Quick Start include configuration parameters that you can customize. For cost estimates, see the pricing pages for each AWS service you use. Prices are subject to change.

    Tip: After you deploy the Quick Start, create AWS Cost and Usage Reports to track costs associated with the Quick Start. These reports deliver billing metrics to an Amazon S3 bucket in your account. They provide cost estimates based on usage throughout each month and aggregate the data at the end of the month. For more information, see What are AWS Cost and Usage Reports?