AWS GenAI Loft | Amazon Q for Quicksight & Generative BI

    AWS 스타트업

    GenAI Loft | 벵갈루루

    생성형 AI








    Pradipta Dash | Sr Solutions Architect




    300 - 고급


    모두 표시

    In this dive deep workshop, you will gain hands-on experience with Amazon Q and generative BI capabilities of Amazon Q for Quicksight. You will learn how to modernize applications using AWS Gen AI and Gen BI tools, engage in a QnA session with specialists, and discover how to utilize these tools directly from the AWS console and your preferred IDE.

    Key Takeaways:
    - Equip yourself with the skills to leverage the power of generative AI and BI capabilities for your applications and projects.
    - Ability to modernize applications using AWS Gen AI and Gen BI

    Who should attend:
    - Developers,
    - Business Analysts
    - Data scientists
    - Machine Learning engineers
    - Architects

    - Basic understanding of generative AI
    - Laptop with a web browser to follow along
    - On the day of the workshop, please bring email registration confirmation for entry

    Important: Sessions are focused on providing best practices, details of service features and demos for working professionals only. Attendance is subject to AWS Event Terms and Conditions.