在預算緊縮的情況下,非營利組織需要處理日常 IT 營運及其關鍵任務工作負載。借助 AWS 雲端,非營利組織可以擴展和自動化必要的後端任務,因此他們可以專注於最重要的事物。
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Oleg Grytsynevych, Richard Burrows, 2025年3月5日Amazon Web Services (AWS) customers building software-defined ground segment solutions with the AWS Ground Station now have more confidence in their solution: they can integrate their DevOps practices with AWS Ground Station’s digital twin feature, which became generally available in August. The digital twin is useful for both aspiring and existing AWS Ground Station customers to achieve faster outcomes without applying for satellite licensing and more cost-effectively than scheduling a production satellite contact. Read this post to learn more.
Kyle Cook, 2025年2月28日The AWS Open Data Sponsorship Program makes high-value, cloud-optimized datasets publicly available on Amazon Web Services (AWS). AWS works with data providers to democratize access to data by making it available to the public for analysis on AWS; develop new cloud-based techniques, formats, and tools that lower the cost of working with data; and encourage the development of communities that benefit from access to shared datasets. The full list of publicly available datasets are on the Registry of Open Data on AWS and are now also discoverable on AWS Data Exchange. This quarter, AWS released 53 new or updated datasets and you can learn more about them in this post.
Mohammed Reda, Aanya Niaz, 2025年2月28日ZNotes, a social-impact startup on a mission to end educational inequality, primarily reaching young learners aged 14-18, is working to bridge this gap by providing free access to high-quality notes, videos, and quizzes that are co-created with top students to foster a collaborative peer-learning community. With Amazon Web Services (AWS), ZNotes enhances its ability to deliver accessible, high-quality learning experiences, ensuring that students—regardless of their background can receive the support they need to succeed. Read this post to learn more.
Anne Mickan, Christoph Russ, Henkjan Huisman, James Meakin, Miriam Groeneveld, 2025年2月28日This post explores the architectural design and security concepts employed by Radboud University Medical Center Nijmegen (Radboudumc) to build a secure artificial intelligence (AI) runtime environment on Amazon Web Services (AWS). Business leaders dealing with sensitive or regulated data will find this post invaluable because it demonstrates a proven approach to using the power of AI while maintaining strict data privacy and security standards.
Ofir Eshel, 2025年2月27日Organizations require solutions for real time or near real time dashboards that can be provided to their customers without impacting their database performance or service level agreements (SLAs) to their end users. In this post, we showcase the integration of Amazon Web Services (AWS) capabilities to present an end-to-end architecture for this data flow.
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