Release: AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) on 2015-02-17

This release of AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) expands the AWS Security Token Service (STS) from a service that runs on a single endpoint to one that runs on endpoints in all regions.

Release Date: February 17, 2015
Created On: February 17, 2015
Last Updated: October 09, 2017

New Feature

Feature Description
AWS STS available in all AWS regions AWS STS is now available in all AWS regions in addition to the original global endpoint. You can now send your STS API requests to new endpoints in each region. To use an endpoint in an additional AWS region, you must first activate STS in the region for your account. Security credentials that you get from a region continue to work globally as before, and work identically to credentials from the global endpoint. To learn more, see Activating AWS STS in a New Region.