Posted On: Sep 16, 2015

AWS Storage Gateway is pleased to announce increased capacity for Gateway-Cached Volumes and improved performance for all gateway types.

For Gateway-Cached Volumes we have increased the maximum storage per gateway to 1 PB enabling you to configure up to 32 volumes of up to 32 TB each, a sevenfold increase from the previous 150 TB maximum storage per gateway. This enables you to store more data in AWS without needing to run additional gateways, reducing your cost and operational overhead.

For all gateway types, we now support upload rates of up to 120 MB/s, a 4x improvement; and for VMware ESXi hosted gateways we have added support for 10 Gb network adapters. These enhancements enable accelerated data upload rates to AWS where your data is durably stored and increase the amount of data that a single gateway can ingest each day.

These new capabilities are available in an updated AWS Storage Gateway virtual machine (VM) image downloadable from the AWS Management Console. For all existing gateways, a software update is available which can be applied manually through the Console, or the update will be applied automatically during your gateway’s next scheduled weekly maintenance time.