Posted On: Feb 20, 2017

Amazon CloudWatch introduces Alarms on Dashboards, a new feature that enables customers to bring metrics and alarms together on a dashboard. This new feature can help you stay better informed about important changes in your AWS resources and metrics with more informative dashboards that integrate alarm conditions.

This feature is available on the Number, Line and Stacked Area visualizations in CloudWatch Dashboards. To enable it, simply select the alarm on the Alarms console and add it to the dashboard of your choice. In addition to helping you monitor your critical metrics along their associated alarms, this feature also helps you more easily navigate between the Alarms console and your dashboards.

To learn more about CloudWatch Dashboards visit the product page.

This new capability is currently available in US East (N. Virginia), US East (Ohio), US West (Oregon), US West (N. California), EU (Ireland), EU (Frankfurt), S. America (São Paulo), Asia Pacific (Singapore), Asia Pacific (Tokyo), Asia Pacific (Seoul), Asia Pacific (Mumbai) and Asia Pacific (Sydney).