Posted On: Mar 31, 2017

We are excited to announce that Amazon Pinpoint now supports Kinesis events streams to stream app and campaign analytics events via Kinesis streams or Kinesis Firehose streams and monetization dashboards to view monetization events sent from your mobile app.

These new features will enable you to better understand app monetization, enable real time events processing via Kinesis streams and downstream processing of events data via publish to S3, Redshift or ElastiCache. These features thus increase your flexibility of using Amazon Pinpoint.

Amazon Pinpoint enables you to - 1) understand user behavior on your mobile app, 2) create targeted segments based on device, usage or custom attributes, 3) creating and scheduling messaging campaigns and finally 4) evaluating impact of targeted campaigns on usage behavior. Amazon Pinpoint is generally available for your use in our US East region.

Instructions on how to get started with Amazon Pinpoint are available here.