Posted On: Apr 25, 2017

Today, Amazon Inspector has announced availability of assessment reports for all security assessments. Starting today, you will have the ability to view and download assessment reports, which document the details of what was tested as part of the assessment run, and the specific results for each rules package assessed. The report contains an executive summary of the assessment, the list of instances targeted, the rules packages tested, the rules that generated findings, details of findings, and optionally the list of rules that passed without any findings. Assessment reports can be viewed and downloaded from the “Assessment Runs” tab of the Inspector console. Reports are available in html and pdf format, and are also available through the Inspector API and CLI.

Additionally, Amazon Inspector released support for Amazon Linux 2017.03 on 04/07/2017. You can now run security assessments using Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE), Amazon Security Best Practices, and Runtime Behavior Analysis against your Amazon Linux 2017.03 instances. In addition to the new Amazon Linux support, we’ve also added support for AWS-tuned Ubuntu Kernels, and Low-latency Ubuntu Kernels.

For more information and details about Amazon Inspector, visit our web site. Need more information? Check out our Quick Start guide and the Getting Started with Amazon Inspector webinar.