Posted On: May 31, 2017

Starting today, you can create and search relationships across hierarchies in Amazon Cloud Directory by using typed links. With typed links, you can build directories that can be searched across hierarchies more efficiently by filtering your queries based on relationship type. Typed links also enable you to model different types of relationships between objects in different hierarchies and to use relationships to prevent objects from being deleted accidentally.

For example, developers building an application that tracks the corporate devices assigned to employees can use Amazon Cloud Directory typed links to model ownership of different types of devices. You can create different types of relationships for laptops, mobile phones, and tablets. Using typed links, you can search efficiently for all the devices that you have assigned to an employee, as well as all the employees that have been assigned a laptop. Typed links also help you create directory rules that enforce your data model, such as preventing applications from deleting a user object that you had assigned a laptop.

With Amazon Cloud Directory, you can build flexible, cloud-native directories for organizing hierarchies of data along multiple dimensions. You also can create directories for a variety of use cases, such as organizational charts, course catalogs, and device registries. For example, you can create an organizational chart that you can navigate through separate hierarchies for reporting structure, location, and cost center. 

Amazon Cloud Directory typed links is a feature of Cloud Directory and is being provided at no additional charge. Cloud Directory is available in the US East (Ohio), US East (N. Virginia), US West (Oregon), EU (Ireland), EU (London), Asia Pacific (Sydney), and Asia Pacific (Singapore) regions. 

For more information about Amazon Cloud Directory typed inks, see Cloud Directory Update – Support for Typed Links on the AWS Blog.