Posted On: Feb 16, 2018

AWS GovCloud (US) joins 16 other regions where you can use Amazon Elasticsearch Service. With the addition of this region, Amazon Elasticsearch Service is now available in the following 17 regions globally: US East (N. Virginia), US East (Ohio), US West (Oregon), US West (N. California), AWS GovCloud (US), Canada (Central), South America (Sao Paulo), EU (Ireland), EU (London), EU (Frankfurt), EU (Paris), Asia Pacific (Singapore), Asia Pacific (Sydney), Asia Pacific (Tokyo), Asia Pacific (Seoul), Asia Pacific (Mumbai), and China (Ningxia), operated by NWCD.

Amazon Elasticsearch Service is a fully managed service that delivers Elasticsearch’s easy-to-use APIs and real-time capabilities along with the availability, scalability, and security required by production workloads. For more information about Amazon Elasticsearch Service and its uses, see the Developer Guide and Getting Started page.