Posted On: Jul 19, 2018

You can now choose AWS Device Farm as a test provider in your software release pipelines modeled in AWS CodePipeline. This lets you create or select Device Farm projects in the test stage of your pipelines.

AWS CodePipeline is a continuous integration and continuous delivery service that builds, tests, and deploys your code every time there is a code change, based on the release process models you define. AWS Device Farm is an app testing service that lets you run automated tests and interact with your Android, iOS, and web apps on many real devices at once. Up until now, you had to use other testing solutions when looking to achieve a continuous build, test and deploy workflow with CodePipeline. Starting today, you can include Device Farm as the test provider in your workflows modeled in CodePipeline.

You can start using this feature through the CodePipeline console or AWS CLI. Learn to create a simple pipeline with Device Farm as the source provider by visiting here.

For more information on AWS Device Farm please visit our:
    1.Product Page