Posted On: Aug 23, 2018

Today, Amazon Lightsail announces a significant price drop of up to 50% for all of its virtual server plans. Now, you can run a full virtual server, including SSD disk and a healthy allowance of free data transfer, starting at $3.50/month. As a Lightsail customer, you'll automatically benefit from the new, lower prices, with no action required. The new prices apply to all Lightsail instances starting August 1, 2018.

In addition to the significant price drop, Lightsail has also increased the included SSD disk for many of its plans, and added two new larger memory options, 16GB and 32GB RAM, to its lineup. These features allow you to scale your web applications easier, and run more demanding workloads in the cloud.

With Lightsail, you can easily and quickly deploy your web workloads by using pre-configured OS and Application Stack templates, including CentOS (new!), WordPress, Magento, LAMP, and Windows Server. Lightsail’s intuitive management console and API makes running web workloads a breeze and enables you to scale applications with features like DNS, block storage, load balancers, and many more.

Amazon Lightsail is built on the same highly available and reliable AWS cloud infrastructure used by millions of customers.
For more information on the new pricing model, or to get started with your free account, go here.