Posted On: Sep 19, 2018

Starting today, Amazon EC2 G3 instances are available in the Canada (Central) AWS Region.

Amazon EC2 G3 instances deliver a powerful combination of CPU, host memory, and GPU capacity, featuring up to 4 NVIDIA Tesla M60 GPUs with support for NVIDIA GRID. G3 instances are ideal for graphics-intensive applications such as 3D visualizations, mid to high-end virtual workstations, visual effects (VFX) workstations, rendering, virtual application software, 3D rendering, application streaming, video encoding, and other server-side graphics workloads.

Customers can use Amazon EC2 G3 instances with Windows and Linux AMIs as well as GRID preinstalled AMIs. With this expansion, Amazon EC2 G3 instances are available in the following AWS Regions: Canada (Central), US West (Oregon and N. California), US East (N. Virginia and Ohio), AWS GovCloud (US-West), Europe (Frankfurt and Ireland), Asia Pacific (Singapore, Sydney, and Tokyo), and China (Beijing). For more information, visit