Posted On: Sep 14, 2018

Amazon Polly is a service that turns text into lifelike speech. Today, we are excited to announce Zhiyu, the first Mandarin Chinese voice. Zhiyu is a clear, bright, and natural-sounding female voice.

Used by over 1 billion people worldwide, Mandarin Chinese is one of the most spoken languages in the world. It has been one of the most requested languages and our customers are already integrating it into their applications. For example, Yunan Beifei has integrated Zhiyu into their education application that empower children in the rural areas to acquire literacy through their mobile platform. Netvue is another customer who has brought Zhiyu’s voice into their AI-enabled doorbell called Belle, which automatically interacts with a person at the door using the natural-sounding Polly voice. 

With the addition of Mandarin Chinese language support, the Amazon Polly portfolio now includes 54 voices across 27 languages. You can check out the full list in the Voices in Amazon Polly section of our documentation. Amazon Polly will be available in the AWS China (Ningxia) Region before the end of the year. You can see the currently supported AWS Regions here