Posted On: Nov 19, 2018

You can now develop your Elastic Beanstalk applications using Node.js 10. The latest Node.js 10 comes with increased stability and numerous improvements such as full support for N-API (an API for building native Addons), time-travel debugging functionality via a new Visual Studio Code Extension and support for Inspector protocol. For the complete list of Node.js 10 features, visit the official Node.js 10 release announcement. You can upgrade your existing Elastic Beanstalk Node.js environment using the Elastic Beanstalk console or through the AWS CLI and Elastic Beanstalk API. See Updating Your Elastic Beanstalk Environment's Platform Version for additional details.

For a complete list of latest platforms, see Elastic Beanstalk Supported Platforms. Visit the AWS global region table for a full list of AWS Regions where Elastic Beanstalk is available.

For more information on Elastic Beanstalk: