Posted On: Nov 26, 2018

Amazon S3 now supports four new features to reduce your storage costs by making it even easier to build archival applications using the Amazon S3 Glacier storage class and by enabling one-click data replication to S3 Glacier in another AWS Region. S3 PUT to Glacier, S3 Cross-Region Replication to Glacier, S3 Restore Notifications, and S3 Restore Speed Upgrade are available using the S3 APIs, AWS Software Development Kits (SDKs), and AWS Management Console for simpler integration with your archival workloads and applications.

Customers have long thought of Amazon Glacier, our backup and archival storage service, as a storage class of Amazon S3. In fact, a very high percentage of the data stored in Amazon Glacier today comes directly from customers using S3 Lifecycle policies to move cooler data into Amazon Glacier. Today, we are announcing that Amazon Glacier is officially part of S3 and is now Amazon S3 Glacier (S3 Glacier). All of the existing Glacier direct APIs continue to work just as they have, but we’ve now made it even easier to use the S3 APIs to store data in the S3 Glacier storage class.

With the S3 PUT API, you can now upload objects directly to the S3 Glacier storage class without having to manage zero-day lifecycle policies.

You can now set S3 Cross-Region Replication (CRR) policies to directly replicate data into the S3 Glacier storage class in a different AWS Region for backup or other data protection purposes. You can establish a simple S3 CRR rule that copies each object stored in a source bucket in one AWS Region to a lower cost destination bucket in a second AWS Region. This includes the ability to replicate from one AWS GovCloud (US) Region to another AWS GovCloud (US) Region.

S3 Restore Notifications now provide you with event notifications when a restoration from the S3 Glacier storage class has started and again when the object is successfully restored. These restore event notifications can then be used to automatically trigger AWS Lambda functions to start the next step in an archival workflow.

Finally, with S3 Restore Speed Upgrade, you can now issue a second S3 Glacier restore request at a faster restore speed and get your data back sooner.

The new Amazon S3 features are now generally available in all AWS Regions and AWS GovCloud (US) Regions. To learn more about S3 PUT to Glacier, S3 Cross-Region Replication to Glacier, S3 Restore Notifications, and S3 Restore Speed Upgrade, please visit the Amazon S3 Developer Guide.


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