Posted On: Mar 8, 2019

AWS has enhanced the license counting methods available in AWS License Manager by adding support for two new scenarios. First, License Manager can now track licenses that are based on number of instances. This is useful for tracking licenses for software such as load balancers and firewalls. Second, License Manager now integrates with Optimize CPU capability to track the custom number of vCPUs that are in use on an instance. This enables customers to continue to save on vCPU-based licensing costs while benefitting from the centralized license tracking provided by the License Manager.

AWS License Manager makes it easier to manage licenses in AWS and on premises servers from software vendors such as Microsoft, SAP, Oracle, and IBM. It is offered at no additional charge and is currently available in US East (N. Virginia), US West (Oregon), US East (Ohio), Europe (Ireland), Asia Pacific (Tokyo), Asia Pacific (Singapore), Asia Pacific (Sydney), Europe (Frankfurt), Asia Pacific (Seoul), Asia Pacific (Mumbai), and Europe (London). To learn more, visit the product documentation, and AWS License Manager FAQ page.