Posted On: Feb 21, 2019

You can now run your Windows applications on AWS Elastic Beanstalk using a host of new features with Windows Server platform v2. These new features include managed updates, a range of new deployment policies, and enhanced health monitoring and reporting. Previously, Elastic Beanstalk offered Windows Server platforms with only basic health and limited deployment policies.

Managed updates automatically apply updates to your AWS Elastic Beanstalk environments so that you don’t have to install updates to your environments when they are released.

Immutable deployments help ensure safe updates to your AWS Elastic Beanstalk environments with minimal downtime. You can now select from a range of deployment policies (Immutable, Rolling, Rolling with additional batch and All at once) and you can configure batch size and health check behavior during deployments.

Enhanced health reporting and monitoring feature on Windows Server platform v2 provides a better picture of overall environment health and aids in the identification of issues that can cause your application to become unavailable.

To learn more about the new features visit our blog post. To get started using Windows Server platform v2, go to the AWS Elastic Beanstalk console or upgrade your current Windows environment to the latest platform version. To learn more about updating your platform version, see updating your Elastic Beanstalk environment's platform version. For information on the new Windows Server platform v2, see Release Notes.  

To see where AWS Elastic Beanstalk is available, please check out the AWS global region table. For more information on Elastic Beanstalk: