Posted On: Jul 9, 2019

Players expect multiplayer game sessions to be fast and full. But with the rise of Battle Royale games and other player-intensive games, ensuring a consistent and fulfilling matchmaking experience can be a challenge for developers.

That’s why today we’re excited to announce Large Match Support for Amazon GameLift. With this update, you can now match and connect up to 200 players to a single game session on the lowest latency server instance available—all based upon a custom rule you define. We’ve also added some other new functionality that makes it even easier to support games with larger player counts, including:

  • Create multiple teams from one definition. Rather than defining team compositions separately, you can now easily create teams by specifying one team template for creating as many teams as needed for your game.
  • Easier backfilling of open player slots. We’ve automated backfilling, so you can keep matches full without causing long player wait times. Matchmaking backfill will automatically add a new player to a match even after a game has started and will prioritize filling a match before creating a new match.

GameLift is available in the following 15 AWS Regions: US East (N. Virginia and Ohio), US West (Oregon and N. California), Central Canada (Montreal), EU Central (Frankfurt), EU West (London and Ireland), Asia Pacific South (Mumbai), Asia Pacific Northeast (Seoul and Tokyo), Asia Pacific Southeast (Singapore and Sydney), South America East (São Paulo), and China (Beijing).

To learn more about GameLift and Large Match Support, visit the Amazon GameLift Product detail page and read the Game Tech blog