Posted On: Oct 23, 2019

Native AWS API access is now Available in AWS Managed Services (AMS) accounts. AWS Managed Services (AMS) operates AWS on your behalf, providing a secure and compliant AWS Landing Zone, a proven enterprise operating model, on-going cost optimization, and day-to-day infrastructure management. With the availability of Developer Mode you can now leverage native AWS API access to accelerate your ability to design and implement infrastructure and applications in your AMS Managed Environment without sacrificing the security, compliance, and operational benefits AMS provides. 

With this feature, you are given elevated IAM permissions to iterate quickly on designs and configurations using the Console and APIs. Once designs are finalized, you can test your application deployments (e.g. Packer) and infrastructure designs within the same account before promoting your finalized CFN template to your production accounts. To help protect you from harmful configurations, AMS has hardened the role to prevent changes to core account configurations managed by AMS, and has deployed a growing number of detective guardrails to monitor and automatically remediate known issues.

AMS Developer Mode is available in all the AWS Regions where AMS is available. Learn more about AMS here.