Posted On: Nov 7, 2019

Amazon Pinpoint customers can now engage their customers with journeys. Each journey is a fully automated, multi-step engagement program.

You can create a journey in minutes using the intuitive drag-and-drop interface in the Amazon Pinpoint console. Each journey consists of activities that journey participants proceed through. These activities can perform a variety of different actions, like sending an email to journey participants, waiting a defined period of time, or splitting users based on a certain action, such as when they open or click a link in an email.  

Amazon Pinpoint journeys give marketing teams the power, flexibility, and security that they need, while customers receive the personalized and relevant content that they expect.

You can create journeys using the Amazon Pinpoint console or API in the following AWS Regions: US East (N. Virginia), US West (Oregon), Asia Pacific (Mumbai), Asia Pacific (Sydney), Europe (Frankfurt), and Europe (Ireland).

To learn more about journeys, watch our introductory video on the Amazon Pinpoint homepage. You can also learn more on the AWS Messaging and Targeting blog, and in the Amazon Pinpoint User Guide.