Posted On: Feb 25, 2020

You can now use AWS Step Functions to log workflow execution history to CloudWatch Logs, which make it faster and easier to monitor event-driven, serverless workflows. You can select different levels of logging, and also have the ability to exclude the logging of a workflow’s payload.  

AWS Step Functions allows you to build resilient workflows using AWS services such as AWS Lambda, AWS Batch, and other AWS services. You can use Amazon CloudWatch Logs to monitor, store, and access your log files from AWS Lambda, Amazon EC2 instances, and other sources. Using AWS Step Functions with CloudWatch Logs, you can generate and visualize state machine execution metrics using Metric Filter Patterns and CloudWatch Dashboards, set up alerts on log-based metrics, and search log events using CloudWatch Logs. 

You can get started with CloudWatch Logs for standard workflows using the AWS Management Console, Command Line Interface (CLI), or SDK. AWS Step Functions support for CloudWatch Logs with standard workflows is available in all commercial and GovCloud regions where AWS Step Functions is available.