Posted On: May 18, 2020

Starting today, pricing for AWS Outposts general purpose, compute optimized, and memory optimized configurations has been reduced in the country of Bahrain.  

You will save up to 11% depending on the Outposts configuration. For instance, the No Upfront monthly price for OR-HUZEI16 (our general purpose configuration for compute intensive applications) is now $28,539.47, reduced from $31,113.67. 

Category Resource ID New Monthly Price (No Upfront) Price Reduction
Compute Optimized OR-ODKC70D $24,250.75 9.82%
Compute Optimized OR-REM3UIH $23,408.45 8.69%
Compute Optimized OR-P7M7Y0S $15,685.75 6.45%
Compute Optimized OR-OLB5RGB $15,264.60 5.42%
General Purpose OR-KPUCKWN $25,935.34 11.78%
General Purpose OR-SRG6JS4 $16,528.04 8.28%
General Purpose OR-HUZEI16 $28,539.47 8.27%
General Purpose OR-LR4DI6P $27,046.14 8.10%
General Purpose OR-OR2XU7Y $15,896.32 6.93%
General Purpose OR-R2XVM9Q $17,408.96 4.61%
Graphics Optimized OR-H7KSNNO $23,132.35 7.57%
Memory Optimized OR-HSZHMMF $33,747.73 2.31%
Memory Optimized OR-MJV0E2L $20,434.24 0.77%

To learn more about AWS Outposts configurations and pricing for different countries, visit the visit the AWS Outposts pricing page