Posted On: Jul 10, 2020

Starting today, Amazon EC2 C5n and I3en instances are available in the AWS Europe (Stockholm) and Asia Pacific (Hong Kong) regions.  

Based on the next generation AWS Nitro System, these instances make 100 Gbps networking available to network-bound workloads without requiring customers to use custom drivers or recompile applications. Customers can also take advantage of this improved network performance to accelerate data transfer to and from Amazon S3, reducing the data ingestion time for applications and speeding up delivery of results. Workloads on these instances will continue to take advantage of the security, scalability and reliability of Amazon’s Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). A wide range of applications such as High Performance Computing (HPC), analytics, machine learning, Big Data and data lake applications can benefit from these instances. To learn more, visit the Amazon EC2 C5 or Amazon EC2 I3en or instance pages.