Posted On: Oct 29, 2020

Amazon Simple Email Service (Amazon SES) now enables customers to manage their own contact lists and offers enhanced subscription management capabilities. 

Customers can create and manage a contact list, where each list includes end user information and the topics associated with those users. A contact list is a list that represents a distinct business in a customer's account, and that list can contain multiple topics. A topic represents an interest group, a theme, or a label within a list. 

Additionally, customers can configure Amazon SES to add an email footer unsubscribe link and/or a list-unsubscribe header to enable end users to unsubscribe from a list or from all customer emails. Amazon SES will automatically update the list based on end users’ subscription preferences. 

Amazon SES is a cloud-based email sending service designed to help digital marketers and application developers send marketing, notification, and transactional emails. You can use our SMTP interface or one of the AWS SDKs to integrate Amazon SES directly into your own systems and applications. 

This feature is available in all regions. To learn more about list and subscription management, see Using list management and Using subscription management in the Amazon SES Developer Guide.