Posted On: Nov 25, 2020

AWS has open-sourced Amazon Neptune’s Jupyter Notebook components for querying and visualizing graphs as a Python package under the Apache 2.0 license. The graph notebook is a Python library for Jupyter Notebooks that can run on local desktops and be used with databases that support either the RDF/SPARQL open standard or the open-source Apache TinkerPop graphs. You can use graph notebook to visualize nodes, edges, and properties along your graph to analyze relationships and graph patterns in your data.

The open-source graph notebook provides users the flexibility to run their queries and visualization from local desktops, EC2, or EMR in addition to using the Neptune Workbench on SageMaker. It is easily installed via the Python Package Installer (PIP). You can connect to graph databases that provide an endpoint that implements an Apache TinkerPop Gremlin Server or the SPARQL 1.1 Protocol. The notebook also gives developers the power to enhance and contribute to the features in the notebook.

To get started, visit the project on GitHub. You can also contribute to the graph notebook codebase. For more information on Neptune connectivity, check out the Jupyter notebooks included with Neptune Workbench installation or the Amazon Neptune User Guide. For information about Jupyter Notebooks, see the Jupyter documentation.